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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cosmetic Tattoo Supplies

By Sarah Freeland

The new millennium has brought with it a consistently rising demand for a new tattoo related procedure, sometimes vaguely referred to as permanent makeup. For the tattoo artist, this can be a very financially positive new rave, but at the same time, it can be quite frightening. The frightening end of the process comes with the realization that the parts of the body that these procedures take place on are very sensitive areas, such as the eyelids and the lips.Tattoo Supplies

The actual purpose of this technique is to tattoo on certain shades of ink so that the target subject appears to be wearing makeup at all times. This saves a great amount of time for the person getting the permanent makeup, however, the only drawback of it is that it is not removable. As with most tattoos, there usually are no second chances. If you are considering this procedure, think long and hard before taking this step as there is no turning back.

Regardless of the bodily target location of this new aspect of tattooing, the wise artist will definitely learn the tricks of the trade, as the demand for permanent makeup is growing by leaps and bounds and there is not an abundance of studios that currently offer it. To begin with, the artist will need to gather supplies for learning this art. These supplies are generally available through most large-scale tattoo supply distributor, such as Worldwide Tattoo Supply, Joe Kaplan Tattoo Supplies, Tattoo XP and Needle Jack Tattoo supply. Finding the supplies should not be an issue.

The suggested supplies for this type of procedure are instruction manuals (of course), the Medical Issues Book, Esthetics for Permanent Cosmetics Book, Permanent Cosmetics, and the Equipment Manuel. You can obtain various alternatives of these through any distributor, but if you want them quick, you can find them online at the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals

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